Drying and Restoration

Very often residual water remains in a structure after a flood or leak.

  • To remove trapped water moisture out of different materials, we use various drying techniques and specialised industrial equipment, to get the property back to acceptable moisture levels, as not to cause any further damage or bacterial mould growth.

  • When water becomes trapped in different materials it can have catastrophic effects such as, tiles lifting, wallpaper peeling off, discolouration of paint and unexpected mould growth.

A large majority of the time specialised drying machines will need to be used to help speed up the process and limit mould growth. It's crucial to get the property dry without spreading mould spores around the property. To prevent damage to different areas of the property and creating health risks.

All mould growth will need to be treated and cleaned before any drying machine can be installed, This is where our expertise at SD Maintenance LTD will help you.

Give us a call today with your drying restoration queries.